Solution for performing analysis of agrochemical soils inspection
Compliance with applicable industry standards
AgroKarta functionality has been developed based on regulatory documents applicable
in the agrochemical industry and requirements from federal management bodies.

Preparing agrochemical plans of the farmland
Agrochemical plans are prepared for all types of farmlands based
on chemical parameters obtained after soils inspection:
РН (water, salt), K2O, P2O5, Gum, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Mo, B, S, CuT, PbT, ZnT, CdT, etc.
To display content of chemical elements in soils, the color ranges scheme recommended by management
bodies and based on regulatory documents applicable in the agrochemical industry is used.

Import of soils inspection
data from MS Excel tables

Editing of polygons
with topologically correct tools

Calculation of fields, contours
and simple plots areas

Synchronizing layer name
with data from its attribute

Automatic separation of
polygons and further numbering
of the resulting simple plots

Statistics on chemical elements content in soil

Summary tables on chemical elements of farmland, fields,
and simple plots

Agrochemical certificate
of farmlands
Customers geography